Ground Covered with Chicken Feathers is a representative work in the neorealist movement. The novel uses the trivialities of the Lin family’s daily life to display the difficulties and hardships encountered in the lives of ordinary, lower class people throughout the eighties and nineties in China. The pessimism starts with the story of the sour tofu. From then on, the tale is destined to live in the ordinary, the base, and the trivial. A prosaic day-to-day account of events takes the place of any dramatized structure of plot or climax. The matters Liu Zhenyun strings together are continually more ordinary and coarse than the previous one recounted. However, perhaps herein lies the author’s brilliance. In these petty and mundane tales of routine, the reader becomes unconsciously aware that the daily life often devoid of meaning is actually meaningful after all. The shock this causes to the spirit has been described as akin to an atomic bomb exploding. The reader sees clearly the deadly side of everyday life – how it leads people one step at a time toward oblivion and alienates them from their own selves.
Author Profile
Liu Zhenyun (May 1958 – ) was born in Yanjin County, Henan Province. He joined the army in 1973 and later pursued undergraduate studies in Peking University’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature and postgraduate studies in Beijing Normal University’s Lu Xun School of Literature, graduating in 1982 and 1991 respectively. He served as a reporter, cultural director, editing board member, and senior reporter for Farmers’ Daily, a committee member for the China Writers Association’s (CWA) 5th, 6th, and 7th plenary sessions, an outstanding committee member for the Beijing Youth League, and a professor in Renmin University of China’s School of Liberal Arts.
Liu started publishing his works in 1982 and joined the CWA officially in 1990. His works include the full-length novels Yellow Flowers: All Over Hometown, Hometown Stories Spread, Complete Nonsense, Cellphone, The Cook, the Crook, One Sentence Is Worth Ten Thousand Sentences, and I Did Not Kill My Husband, Flour and Flowers from My Hometown (Four Volumes), the novellas News, Trainee Company, The Head, The Institute, and Remembering 1942, and the novella/short story collections Tapu Township, Ground Covered with Chicken Feathers, Corridors of Power, Official, and The Collected Works of Liu Zhenyun (Four Volumes).
Several of his works have won awards with: Tapu Township earning the National Outstanding Short Story Award, Selected Fiction’s Outstanding Short Story Award, and the People’s Literature Outstanding Short Story Award; Trainee Company earning the 3rd Fiction Monthly Outstanding Novella Hundred Flowers Award and the 1st Youth Literature Creation Award; The Institute earning Selected Novellas’ Outstanding Work Prize and the 40th Anniversary of the PRC’s Foundation Outstanding Literature Prize; Ground Covered with Chicken Feathers earning Selected Novellas’ Outstanding Work Prize and the 5th Fiction Monthly Outstanding Novella Hundred Flowers Award; Remembering 1942 earning the 1st Selected Chinese Literature Prize and Zhuang Zhongwen Prize; and One Sentence Is Worth Ten Thousand Sentences earning the 8th Mao Dun Literature Prize.
Half a kilogram of tofu has gone sour at Lin’s home. Lin’s wife comes home earlier than him and when she notices the spoiled tofu she blames the maid. The maid retorts that it was Lin who forgot to put it in the freezer, and then the wife begins grumbling about Lin. Lin has had a tough day at work and is not in a great mood. The two begin digging into each other as they argue. Just then, they hear a knock at the door. They open the door and the crippled elderly man who checks the water meter limps in. The old man tells them that somebody has been applying some tricks to use water without letting the meter turn. He is coming to put on a warning for everybody.
The issue with the spoiled tofu is settled in this way. Lin normally dislikes the old man, but at this moment he even feels a little gratitude toward him. As time goes on, the maid continues to threaten to stop working, so Lin and his wife consider getting jobs closer to their home. With such a shift, the wife would also be able to take care of family chores. Thus they ask for someone’s help, and buy some Coca-Cola as a gift for the man. Out of their reality, they buy Coca-Cola, something considered luxury goods at that period in China, when it is on sale at the supermarket, but the man disdains the gift. Thus the plan to change jobs falls flat.
Further disappointment comes along with families and relatives. Lin comes from the countryside, and all his relatives think he can be of great help because he is now having a god job in Beijing. They are always coming asking for help. At first, Lin made his wife receive them warmly, but she becomes increasingly unhappy with this as time goes on. To make things worse, people in the countryside do not know the customs and politeness in the city, so her expression will turn sour whenever someone comes.
This time, it is Lin’s teacher who taught him in his junior school. He comes to Beijing seeking medical treatment. With his arrival, Mrs. Lin’s face immediately turns ugly, causing Lin to argue with her. Being a cultured man, the teacher takes in the situation and leaves. This fills Lin with guilt.
Several days later, Mrs. Lin returns from work in a drastically different mood. She explains that there is no longer any need to change jobs as her leader has decided to provide scheduled bus service to their area. Later, it is made fully clear: the leader’s sister-in-law, a fellow employee, is living nearby, and it is for her convenience that he has offered the bus.
The next problem they encounter with is their child’s entering a kindergarten. Their child cannot go to a good nursery school and only has the option of attending the neighborhood nursery. Just as the couple are at their wits’ end, the husband of the “Indian woman” from the apartment opposite them helps to find a good kindergarten. Although they haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, at this moment the neighbours provide the assistance that Lin eagerly want. The Lins are greatly grateful to the “Indian woman’s” family. Eventually, they learn that their neighbors are making their son help their child study. The couple feel like they have “been fed horseshit and tarnished.”
The annual cabbage harvest comes around, and the working post invites everybody to come buy “Patriotic Cabbage.” It is a troublesome task, though, with long queues and a complicated reimbursement process. One day, Lin leaves work early to wander around the vegetable market and unexpectedly encounters an old university classmate, Little Li Bai. He got the nickname because he was fond of writing poetry during university. After graduation, he married several times and jumped between various jobs. Finally, he started his own business selling pressed, salted duck. At the vegetable market, they both ask about each other. Little Li Bai no longer writes poetry, for he thinks it more important to make a living first. He asks Lin to help watch his stall for a few days.
It is in such trivial ways that the Lin family spends their days. One day, the old man who checks the water and electric meters comes by to ask Lin to lend him a hand. A document impacting his hometown has been held up at Lin’s place of work. The old man tries to give him a small microwave oven as a gift, and although Lin refuses it several times, in the end he decides to accept it. Lin tells his wife that as long as you understand a single principle, then things in this world are very simple; if you can act in accordance with that principle, then your life will flow like water. Each day can be comfortable.
That night, he sleeps poorly with many dreams. He has one in which he is asleep and covered with chicken feathers, lying on flakes of human skin. The mat he reclines on is comfortable, and a year passes as if it were a day. He also dreams of seeing an endless, dark mass of people surging forward that then transforms into groups of small ants praying for rain. When he wakes, it is already light outside. Lin shakes his head as he tries to remember the dream. It is all a blur. He thinks to himself that if he can finish collecting the cabbage, and if his wife could use the microwave to roast him some chicken and give him some beer to drink, he will be perfectly satisfied with everything he has.