世界汉学中心现为“重勘百部‘一带一路’汉学经典”项目书籍Tangut Reader with Introduction(《西夏语导论》)寻求中文译者。
书籍名称:Tangut Reader with Introduction(《西夏语导论》)
作者:Solonin Kirill(索罗宁)
作者介绍:索罗宁,俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学正博士,中国人民大学国学院教授,博士生导师。研究领域包括语文学、文献学、佛学西夏语、汉藏文化交流等。著作有:《西夏汉传佛教文献研究》(兰州:甘肃文化,2023);《大鹏展翅:藏传新旧译密咒在西夏传播》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2023);曾在《通报》,Acta Orientalia,Journal of Indian Philosophy,世界宗教研究等学术期刊发表数篇文章。
Latest attempt to arrange Tangut case system in a systematic manner belongs to Arakawa Shintarō. Valueable observations on the nature of some of Tangut auxiliary morphemes belong to G. Jacques. Most of the latest work in this field is generally dependent on the earlier achievements by Nishida Tatsuo, M. V. Sofronov, and most of all by K. B. Kepping. It is a general understanding that the Tangut language does not possess a system of inflectional cases, in the manner the Indo-European languages do. Broader typological considerations, such as absence of gender, allow suggesting that there really were no inflectional cases in Tangut. Functions of various cases are represented by a variety of morphemes, which can be to a certain degree equated with the “particles” of written Tibetan. However, there is no direct congruence even when we are dealing with the texts translated from Tibetan. There are specific markers, partially coinciding, to express subject (NOM), object (ACC/ DAT, direct and direct), and attributive (GEN), instrumental (INS), agentive (ERG) and comitative (COM) functions. Out of these, when marked, ACC/ DAT and GEN are represented by the same morpheme ·jij1 . Its interpretation is thus dependent on its position in a clause: between the nouns ·jij1 represents attributive relation, between a noun and a verb it is an object marker. Further, specific interpretation depends on the semantics of the following verb. Thus in Tangut contrast between ACC and DAT is generally context dependent rather than formal. Most of these morphemes are not free forms, but only emerge as affixes, whereas some of these, such the ERG marker, retain their lexical meaning and sometimes occur as lexical words. At the same time, there is a variety of morphemes, which can be assigned to the so called “local cases” .
In some cases, we observe that morphemes, identified as marking the cases, in fact are attached not to a specific word, but can form subordinate clauses. That is, sometimes it is hard to delineate between morphology and syntax in Tangut. This dictated the choice of the example sentences: rather than to quote Tangut nouns in “inflected forms”, we used complete sentences. In this way, the reader might acquire initial knowledge about how Tangut sentences work. Generally, Tanguto-Chinese bilingual sources are of limited value for the reconstruction of the case system in Tangut. Here priority belongs to the Tibetan texts. However, there is no direct congruence between Tibetan particles and Tangut “case morphemes”. What is called Tangut case markers are morphemes suffixed to the respective noun, as in Tibetan. Thus, there is a tendency to identify these as “suffixes” (e.g. G. Jacques). This identification is probably correct for some of morphemes, but not for others, whose identification as “postpositions” is equally legitimate. This means that the Tangut “case markers” probably belong to the realm of syntax and not morphology. However, for a Reader with limited purposes, the issue of exact definitions is of secondary importance.