A translator of Chinese literature into Dutch. She has been active as a freelance translator since 2006. Stiggelbout has been translating for major Dutch publishing houses and periodicals, including works of Mian Mian, Zhu Wen, Sheng Keyi, Bi Feiyu, Liu Z
Translator from Myanmar, Kaung Min is committed to translating Chinese literature and has made contributions in promoting Chinese literature among readers in Myanmar.
越来越多外国学生选择中国而非欧美大学留学,他们当中有一部分成长为汉学家,中国文化译研网会员、来自塔吉克斯坦的青年汉学家米禄(Mirzoi Behruz)就是其中一个。
Gabriella Bonino is an Italian sinologist and radio journalist, with 20 years (from 1989 to 2015) of experience at the Italian Department of China Radio International in Beijing.
Korean translator and sinologist. Lecturer of Department of Chinese Language and Literature in Konkuk University, Kyung Hee University, and Ewha Womans University. Permanent Research Fellow of “Wen-er-Yuan (Literature is Long)”, a humanities research asso