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  • Pirates

    国家: 印度
    Pirates is an innovative publishing house, which focuses not only on the books but on films as well. They put a lot of emphasis on a great story and they call themselves the “story surgeons”. They want to give a chance to new voices in a variety of Indian languages. One of their goals is to offer m
  • Taxman Publications Limited

    国家: 印度 网站:www.taxmann.com
    axmann Publications (P.) Ltd. publishes tax and corporate laws, and educational content for professionals and students in India. It publishes professional and academic book titles, and online databases on direct and indirect tax laws, corporate and business laws, accounts and audit, banking, finance
  • 国家: 印度
    Westland Publications Ltd. is an Amazon subsidiary and one of the largest English language publishers in India. Our list of titles includes popular and literary fiction, food and cooking, spirituality and self-help, biographies, health and wellness, history, general reference, travel and a host of o
  • The MacMillan Publishing house started in 1843. Since then they have published some of the most amazing works of literary fiction from authors like Lewis Carroll or Rudyard Kipling. The company is also responsible for launching the classic research journal “Nature” and since then started to
  • Hachette India

    Hachette India is a division of Hachette UK, which is made up of several different companies and publishing under dozens of imprints. They are known for their Asterix books, as well as titles of Stephen King. The Indian branch started in 2008 and began publishing in 2009 with the first book
  • 国家: 印度 网站:www.wileyindia.com
    John Wiley & Sons, Inc. was founded in 1807 and since its inception, it has been publishing books around the areas of personal development, technical expertise, professional education, advertising, training services and professional education in general. Their books are focused on helping th
  • S. Chand Publishing

    国家: 印度 网站:S Chand Publishing
    This is one of the oldest and largest publishing houses in India, which was founded in 1939 in New Delhi. They mostly deal with educational materials for primary as well as higher education. With over 110 offices and 2000 employees, in 2013 Forbes named the company as “one of the fastest growing pla
  • 卡拉迪故事出版社(Karadi Tales)

    Karadi Tales是一家位于印度钦奈的独立儿童出版社,主要经营图画书和有声读物。它成立于1996年,由一群作家、教育家和音乐家组成,目的是在儿童出版界为印度文化创造一个空间。自推出以来,《卡拉迪故事集》一直是印度销量最大的出版物之一。许多书的销量都超过了10万册,大多数书的销量都超过了2万册。这些有声读物由一群名人解说,由训练有素的音乐家演奏古典印度乐曲。
  • Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India

    国家: 印度 网站:http://cug.ac.in/
  • TheEnglishandForeignLanguagesUniversity

    海得拉巴英语和外国语言大学成立于1958年,前身是中央英语学院(CIE)。潘迪特·贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,印度的第一任总理)的愿景得以形成,该愿景旨在建立一个向教师传授英语优质培训的机构,该大学的任务是促进和传播“在英语和英语教学中的教学,研究和推广设施印度的外国语言和文学”,以及“采取适当措施进行跨学科研究和文学和文化研究,并发展对文明的批判性跨文化理解。”